Value #4
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Live out your Calling and Identity of being Sent
Our first three values are focused on developing healthy disciples in Christ, while our last two values are focused on finishing the process of mobilization. What we must understand about being sent is that this is a calling for every single disciple that was given to us in the Great Commissions of Jesus in the Gospels, Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:44-48; John 20:21; Acts 1:8. He tells the disciples, along with us that we have been sent to do the work in which he gave us to develop multiplying disciples to impact lostness in ‘Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’ This does not mean every disciple will go to the ends of the earth, but it does mean every disciple will start in Jerusalem. God sends some of us to a far away place, while he keeps others of us where he has us. It is our purpose to fully follow Jesus wherever we are at and fully be obedient to Christ wherever he has placed us. For it is out of this obedience in which God calls us and sends us to other places.
This is our purpose at Central, to raise up obedient disciples of Christ that are faithfully fulfilling the Great Commission in their local area to mobilize them in their call of being sent to go globally. This is why before we deal with someones calling of being sent we must first empower them to live out their identity in Christ. For it is in that identity that Paul says, For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). What he says here is that our identity in Christ thrives in sharing the gospel to others. This is the essential element of our identity, trusting in Jesus for our salvation and not ours only but for all who believe in him. For this reason, before someone is sent globally, then they first be faithful at going locally in sharing the gospel and making disciples. The truth is this: we can not impact lostness unless the gospel is being proclaimed faithfully. For multiplying disciples come out of the gospel and nothing else. If someone is not willing to faithfully share the gospel in their life, then they are not qualified to go globally by being sent through Central. Our desire is impact lostness not only in the Brazos Valley, but in the world. That is only done by us sending those we have mobilized out of their obedience and not their desire. For if we desire is to go, then they will also desire to reflect the heart of God in proclaiming the gospel faithfully as God faithfully sent Jesus to accomplish our salvation upon the cross! We must go locally before we can go globally!