• amccampbell@absc.0rg
  • 870 718 6068

Pathway to the Nations

This journey you are about to embark upon will change your life forever! This Pathway will show how you can strategically use your summer to be On Mission for Christ, as it will help guide you on your Pathway to the Nations!

“The heart of man plans his ways, but the LORD establishes his steps”

Proverbs 16:9

Be in Prayer

Pray daily for the Unreached Peoples of the World and those on your campus that are far from God

Faithfully Attend BCM and

As you attend BCM you will find opportunities to serve here and through other local churches

Attend EDM Trainings

EDM stands for Evangelism, Discipleship, and Multiplication. These trainings will equip and empower you in each of those. 

Faithfully Share
the Gospel

The best way to prepare yourself to Go is to be faithful where you are!

Attend Missions Nights

These nights are about inspiring you, encouraging you, and challenging you to live On Mission for Christ. Opportunities for Mission Trips, Summer Opportunities, and Camps will be presented.

Meeting for

Come pray for yourself and others that will be embarking on this journey of ARGO2 for clarity and ability to go where God is leading you

Apply for ARGO2

If you have not already done so, apply NOW


This weekend is about equipping you to go and spend your summer On Mission for Christ

Raise Funds

This is a necessary part for you to go. The Discovery Weekend and follow up coaching will help you to raise the funds you need to go!

Commission Weekend

This weekend is about setting you apart to be On Mission for the summer as we commission you alongside other Arkansas Collegiate Students

Final Preparation and Go

Everyone has their last minute things to prepare for before they leave, so make sure you have everything completed on your Go List


When you arrive back it is time to talk about your time over the summer being On Mission, but it is also time to begin looking ahead at how you can use this experience on your campus to impact lostness and inspire others to GO!